Register Rated Game

You can fill in the form on this page to register a rated game that was played during one of our casual events. Please observe the following rules to play a rated game:

  • Rated games can only be played during one of our events.
  • Before the start of your game, notify one of the organisers that the next game you play will be a rated game. This is to ensure that nobody can back out and to prevent arguments about the results.
  • You can play at most 2 rated games with the same opponent in a single event. Playing more rated games with the same opponent will make the leaderboard unbalanced and is therefore not allowed.
  • You yourself are responsible to fill in the form for your rated game. Please do this immediately after your game. You are not allowed to register a rated game after the event has finished (to prevent people from filling in games that were not played at our events).
  • Filling in the form with games that were not actually played in a dishonest attempt to gain rating will result in a permaban from both the leaderboard and our events.